Friday, August 14, 2009

The scripture says that there is a treasure in you, but many of us have not realized our uniqueness or potential. Scientists say that the best of geniuses use only 10% of their potential. Heb 11:1 -"Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen"

Everything that you see here was in the invisible state before they became visible. Faith does not apply to that which does not exist, but that which exists but is not seen. With this in mind let us take a closer look at the subject of potential. It is a tragedy to know that with over 6 million people on this planet today, only a minute percentage will experience a significant proportion of their potential. Your potential was not given to you for a deposit in the grave. Therefore you must understand the tremendous potential you possess and commit yourself to maximizing it.

we need to discover, develop and deploy the gifts, treasure and potential on the inside of us.Potential can be defined as 'dormant ability', 'reserved power', 'untapped strength', 'unused success', 'hidden talents', 'capped capability'. All you can be but you have not yet become, all you can do but have not yet done, how far you can reach but have not yet reached, what you can accomplish but you have not yet accomplished. Potential is unexposed ability and latent power. What you have done is no longer your potential.

Unless you do something beyond what you have, you will never experience your true potential. "Life is a journey of discovery". God takes us from glory to glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18, from faith to faith Romans 1:17 God hates stagnation.

A lot of us are frustrated because we don't realize how much God has deposited in us. We allow the pressure of life and challenges to rub us off the potentials and because everything around us says we are not big deals, we've unconsciously withdrawn into a life of mediocrity - a maintenance lifestyle 2 Peter 1:3 - God had given us all things that pertain to life and Godliness.

Ephesians 1:3 - blessed is the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings in Christ. Because we cannot see what we have does not mean it does not exist. Faith is therefore knowing that what you cannot see is there.

Heb 11:3 - By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen are not made of the things which are seen. To understand your potential, you must understand your heritage. To understand the potential of anything, you must understand where it came from.

Genesis 1:11 - when God needed plants He spoke to the earth (the source) Vs24 - when God needed the living creatures He spoke to the earth. Vs26 - when God needed man he spoke to man Vs26 - God created man in His own image, according to God's likeness.

Three rules or principles
  1. Where ever something comes from, it is made of the same component If you carve out a stone from a rock, the stone will possess the same components as the rock.

  2. The source of a thing determines it's potential.

  3. Wherever something comes from, it is maintained from there.

You came from God and you are made with God's "Components". In discovering your potential, it is important that you know where you came from. It you don't, the challenges of life will tell you that you are not a big deal. Gaining understanding of where you came from helps you to know the following.

Who you are - this is related to where you came from What you can do - this is related to what you are made of. Why you exist - this is related to the nature of the one who created you.

You can never know yourself by relating to creation Don't validate or evaluate yourself using another person. You are unique You are different Your true worth, your true value and your true potential can only be discovered by relating to your creator.

Keys to uncover your potential

  1. Potential of a thing is related to it's Source.

  2. Potential of a thing is determined by the demand made on it by it's creator.

    You are what is demanded of you. You can tell how much potential a thing has by the task it is assigned Whatever God says you can do, that's what you can do.

    Whatever God says you can be, that's what you can be even if you are deficient. God spoke to 2 people (Adam & Eve) to replenish the earth. God knew they had the potential and it happened. God told the human race to dominate the earth, man has been able to conquer the land, the air and the sea.

    When God says "you shall cast out devils", it's because what he has put in you can handle the devil. When God says "you will resist the devil, it's because you have the ability to do so. No Excuse! You can do what has been demanded.

  3. Whatever God call for He provides for. God has built in us the potential to produce everything He calls for. You should look at your problem and say "I can handle it".

    1 Cor 10:13 - It does not matter how many blows you are getting, as long as you are convinced you can handle it - you will handle it. Remember He will never allow you to be tempted or tried beyond your ability. Therefore you must always say to yourself, "I can handle it"

The devil is always afraid of Christians who have such mentality, because such Christians become a terror to the devil. God looks at a seed and He sees a whole forest. Each time God looks at you, He sees a winner, a nation, a mighty man/woman of valour.

The role of you thoughts in discovering your potential Proverbs 23:7 - as he thinks in his heart so is he.

This means: as a man conceives in his heart so he can do. If you can think it, you can do it. Jesus said, "all things are possible to him who believes. To believe is to be so committed to a thing even if it costs you your life. There is no limit to what you can achieve it you are so committed to it even if it costs you your life.

Factors that hinder the release of potential

  1. Sin clogs up your potential. Before the fall of man in the garden of Eden, man was limitless. Have you ever wondered how it was possible for Adam to give names to all animals. Wherever you see sin, it is an attempt of the devil to prevent the flow of your potentials or capabilities. Sin separates you from God, and without a connection with God you cannot bear fruit. John 15

  2. Disobedience. We have discussed that the potential of a thing is determined by the demand placed on it. If demands are placed and you refuse to step out to answer the call, then you'll never know what you are capable of doing. The children of Israel died in the wilderness because they disobeyed God. Until Moses lifted up the rod, the Red sea could not part. Until the children of Israel stepped into Jordan it did not flee away.

  3. Low Self-Esteem.

  4. Complacency

  5. Wrong Association

  6. Fear of Unknown

  7. Curses

Keys to fulfilling your true potential
  1. You must know your source. You possess the nature and all the qualities of your source, abd you are capable of manifesting these qualities.
  2. You must understand how you were designed to function.
  3. You must know you purpose. The purpose for which something is made determines it's design, nature and potential. Purpose gives birth to responsibility and responsibility makes demands on potential.
  4. You must understand your resources. God asked Moses "what is in your hand" The Prophet asked the widow woman "what do you have in the house"
  5. You must have the right environment. God created everything to flourish within a specific environment. Plants, animals, fish all need a specific environment in order to live. You need the environment of fellowship, love and challenge.
  6. You must work out your potential. Work is a major key to releasing your potential. Potential must be challenged, exercised and demands made on it.
  7. You must cultivate your potential. You must feed your potential with positive company, environment of encouragement, words of God and prayer.
  8. You must guard your potential from Compromise, Sin, Distractions, Discouragement, Procrastination.
You must share your potential with people and make sure it blesses your world.God bless you.

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